【同义词辨析】 2019-02-21 谨慎cautious-chary

cautious: implies the exercise of forethought or prudence usually prompted by fear of danger: a ~ driver.

circumspect: stresses prudence, discretion, vigilance, and the surveying of all possible consequences before acting or deciding: the panel must be ~ in assigning blame.   (discreet谨慎: 指言行小心,目的是不让太多人知道careful about not allowing something to be known by too many people, 如a discreet way to handle the problem谨慎处理问题(不让太多人知道),如very discreet about her personal life谨慎不透露个人生活)

wary: emphasizes suspiciousness and alertness in watching for danger and cunning in escaping it: be ~ of those claiming to have all the answers.   cunning巧妙,灵巧微妙

chary: implies a cautious reluctance to give, act, or speak freely: I am ~ of signing papers I have not read.

cautious谨慎: 指因害怕危险审慎思考,circumspect慎重: 表示谨慎小心,考虑各种后果才做决定,wary留神小心: 强调警惕防范躲避风险,chary谨慎不愿意: 因为谨慎不愿意说或做

记忆方法: 1)首字母CCWC从未出错<==因为谨慎             ""本义小心,《说文》: 谨,慎也,引申为郑重地、恭敬地, ""是由"心"和"真"组成的会意字,也表示"小心",谨慎互释,慎《说文解字》:,谨也,如武则天《臣轨》中"忧患生于所忽,祸害兴于细微。人不密者,多有终身之悔。故言易泄者,召祸之媒也。事不者,取败之道也"


         3)谨慎的意思是面对危险风险警惕小心mean prudently watchful and discreet in the face of danger or risk.首字母CCWC从未出错<==因为谨慎